Monday 5 November 2007

04/11/07 - Day 4

I probably shouldn't have done, but when I woke up, I weighed myself.

What I hadn't mentioned re: Day 1 was I weighed myself first thing that morning (naked!) and my home scales said 13st. The pharmacy scales then said 12st 12lbs (wearing jeans, polo shirt and jumper - no shoes) and as soon as I got home I weighed myself wearing the same clothes and the scales said 13st 1lb. So for now I'm assuming my scales make me 3lbs heavier.

So, my scales show a loss of 5lbs - so I am now 12st 7lbs. Back to pre-uni weight - hurrah! Anyway, must not get carried away. Most of the weight lost in the first week is water and general detox - the real fat burning starts in earnest next week.

Right, back to Day 4. I generally found today very easy - I was really able to appreciate the smell of my family's dinner without actually craving any, hurrah! I didn't feel hungry today - had to remind myself to have my 3rd shake (hot vanilla - delicious, like a large horlicks) and I felt REALLY full afterwards.

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